The Premier Awards Show for the Live Event Industry



Hyatt Regency Orange County Rooms Available to Parnelli Attendees

All Rooms are SOLD OUT!

The Parnelli Awards has partnered with NAMM to offer a block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Orange County exclusively for those attending the Parnellis on Friday, January 26, and its seminars Thursday-Saturday, January 25-27. 

The Hyatt Regency Orange County is a resort hotel with a large bar, tennis courts, two pools, an outdoor fire pit, and many other amenities. It is .8 miles to the Anaheim Convention Hall and the Parnelli Awards Show at the Hilton–a 12-minute walk, an 8-minute free shuttle ride that goes continuously, or a four-minute cab ride.  Those interested in taking advantage of this offer are encouraged to do so early, as the Hyatt has blocked 200 rooms, 600 room nights for Parnelli Award attendees on a first come, first serve basis.

And don’t forget to reserve your tickets for the Parnelli Awards before it sells out: